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Revolution Idle Ultimate Beginners Guide

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Revolution Idle is pretty intuitive when you just start it, but it gets more complicated the further you go. In this Ultimate Beginners Guide we will cover all the main mechanics in Revolution Idle with some tips and walkthroughs for most questioned and sophisticated game points.

Revolution Mechanics[edit source]

Revolution Tab includes 10 Circles of different colors starting from Red and going all the way to the White. Each circle has it's speed in which it does 1 revolution/rotation/lap. Every time circle finishes the lap it will add a multiplier of the corresponding color to the multipliers and give 1 tick of income.

Income is the multiplication of all your multipliers that is being rewarded on each completed lap of any of your circles.

Total Circles Multiplier = Red Mult * Orange Mult * Yellow Mult * Green Mult * Turquoise Mult * Cyan Mult * Blue Mult * Purple Mult * Pink Mult * White Mult

Each circle has 3 stats:

  • Revolution Speed - Speed at which circle finishes the rotation, with Red being the fastest and White being the slowest one.
  • Asc. Power - Ascension Power. Multiplier for the Mult Gain on the circle ascension.
  • Mult Gain - Multiplier Gain. How much of a corresponding color multiplier will be added each lap.

This video should help to understand the basic mechanics better.

Upgrading the Circles[edit source]

Each circle can be upgraded with the currency you earn each lap - Revolution Score. Basic upgrades called Buying increases the level of the circle and improves its speed. By default, there are 100 levels that you can upgrade for each circle before you will need to Ascend it. Most of the time you would like to buy levels that gives you more laps/s per money spent. That will guarantee you the most amount of speed among all circles ans maximize your income speed.

Ascension resets the circle to level 5 (by default) and applies Asc. Power multiplier to its Mult Gain, making it earn more multiplier per lap and increasing its max level by 10. The thing is that laps/s drop significantly when level resets from 100 to 5 and it may slow down the growth even with a higher multiplier. For the early levels and runs it is recommended to wait at least until next circle is ready to ascend, even better if 2 next circles are ready. That will allow to Buy more levels to the ascended multiplier to get it back to speed.

Prestige[edit source]

Prestige becomes available as soon as you earn 1m Revolution Score. It will reset your Laps Ascensions and Levels back to the one lvl 5 Red circle but adds P.Exponent and P.Mult.

  • P.Exponent - Prestige Exponent. Will exponent your total multiplier (after applying P.Mult). Adds additional logarithmic scaling to the income.

P.Mult - Prestige Multiplier. Multiplies your Total Multiplier (before applying P.Exponent) The income calculation formula with Prestige in mind goes like this:

(Total Circles Multiplier * P.Mult)exponent

The higher your earned Revoulution Score goes - the more you will gain from the prestige.

During your first runs it's recommended to prestige with at least x6 P.Mult, but later on you can adapt the prestige points to your playstyle. They usually go higher as you progress the game.

Once Prestiged you will start fresh, but with additional boost to your income. In order to get Prestige Window back you will need to get to the point where you prestiged.

Overall I would recommend prestiging with at least 1 order of magnitude, maybe even 2. That means that you start with x10 P.Mult, the next one will be x1000, next one is x100,000 and so on. Soon enough it won't matter that much, since your income is about to skyrocket. At x1000 P.Mult prestige you will be able to Promote.

This video should help to understand the Prestige and Promote mechanics better.

Promote[edit source]

Promote is available when P.Mult is over x1000. It resets your progress (including Prestige) and allows you to choose one of 4 Promotions:

  1. Mult Gain Mult - Multipliers Gain Multiplier. It multiplies your circles Mult Gain, making them earn more multipliers per lap.
  2. Laps Speed Mult - Laps Speed Multiplier. It multiplies your circles Laps/s, making them finish Revolution faster.
  3. Ascension Power - Multiplies your circles Asc. Power, making them gain more Mult Gain on the Ascension.
  4. Promotion Power - Multiplies 1,2,3 Promotions, making them more potent.

Promotion is a second layer of prestige and is a bit trickier than Prestige. Here you gain Exp over time based on your progress in the current Promotion. When you Promote you put all your exp from the current promotion in one of those 2 categories. The recommended order of promotions for the early game is following their numbers in the game, Mult Gain Mult -> Laps Speed Mult -> Ascension Power -> Promotion Power -> Mult Gain Mult and so on. Later in the game it will change, and you might skip on some Promotions, but in your first runs it will help a lot to level them up evenly.

It's recommended to wait for at least x6 Mult Gain Mul on 1st Promotion before performing it.

Keep in mind that scaling per level is different for different promotions, where 1 Mult Gain Mult seems to be the most linear, when other promotions have diminishing returns. That means that getting Promotions 1,2 and 3 to lvl 10-15 should be enough, because later on they will not gain a lot more effect until you invest way more exp in them.

When Promoting always take a look how much % of the current promotion bonuses you will gain when you select that promotion and go for the highest one. Sometimes getting extra x0.20 Promotion Power might help more than putting all the points in the Promotion you are going for.

Now all you need to do is rinse and repeat, increasing your income while you grind your progress to Infinity. It will take 5e308 Revolution Points to perform Infinity, so work on your Promotions and Prestige once you get some orders of magnitude in P.Mult gains. Further into the game you will get back to the point before the prestige in a matter of minutes, seconds or even almost instantly.

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